Opere specialistiche
The pygmy cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus in central Italy: the status in the Marche region and the first confirmed breeding record in the province of Pesaro e Urbino (PU), di PAOLO GIACCHINI, FEDERICO FANESI, MASSIMO PROSDOCIMI, 2022
GIACCHINI P., FANESI F., PROSDOCIMI M., 2022 - The pygmy cormorant
Microcarbo pygmaeus in central Italy: the status in the Marche region and the first
confirmed breeding record in the province of Pesaro e Urbino (PU). Rivista Italiana
di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology, 92 (2): 59-60, 2022 DOI: 10.4081/rio.2022.616
Dettaglio scheda
Data di redazione: 17.01.2025
Ultima modifica: 17.01.2025

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